G’day there!

Right, so two things to note off the bat:

1) It’s Friday, and I’m putting up a post – I suppose there’s nothing exceptionally out of the ordinary with that;

2) I scribbled this post in my notebook (by hand, the old-fashioned way) somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean on a red-eye flight…to Scotland.

No April Fool’s Day joke, folks – I’ve officially hit the road for the old country once again.

My girlfriend and I himmed and hawed and mulled it over good and well throughout the winter, and a couple of weeks ago we decided to pull the trigger, up stakes, and tackle another three-month stint abroad. What the heck, right? We’re young. And you only live once, after all. So just do it.

This time, we’re trading in St. Andrews and the east coast of Fife and making our way into the Highlands to the Isle of Skye itself – land of the ancestors and all that. She’ll be helping a friend of hers get a cafe/deli off the ground. And me? I’ll be lending a hand with that where I can, and working on my writing. Which brings me to the matter at hand.

Since abandoning this site for nearly two years and then resurrecting it last summer, I’ve grown rather fond of it and of all of you, my faithful readers. You keep on returning, week after week, and so to honour your loyalty, I’ve decided to make you a deal: If you stick with me these next three months, then I will strive to keep posting new material.

But this is life, so there’s a catch: I won’t have access to my standard slate of resources while I’m away. That means that the content you read over the next few weeks may get rather unorthodox at times, at least compared to what you’re used to; however, I vow right here, right now – in my sleep-deprived state, 39,000 feet in the air, basking in the unholy glow of a miniature TV screen – to make it work. Somehow. I have a few ideas up my sleeve.

So there you have it. If you read this today (Friday), think of me wandering the streets of Old Town in Edinburgh, in desperate need of a shower and entirely zombified (is that a word? I don’t know). We’ll be in the city for the weekend before pushing on to Skye at the start of next week. Great times, delicious food, and some of the best people you could ever hope to meet await – oh, and sheep.

Lots and lots of sheep.

Sheep in Culnacnoc, Skye.
Sheep in Culnacnoc, Skye.


PEI History Guy

P.S. – I need coffee in the worst way.